Your voice of the European Industry!
We were very pleased about the high interest in our Business Days in Milano and especially would like to thank our Italian member association FIAC for their kind support.
More than 80 participants followed an exciting variety of contributions on important topics for our industry.
Our program offered for example deep insights into the “status and prospects of the Chinese economy” or how to “design kitchenware to fall in love with”. Our Senior Experts gave an overview of their wide ranged current and future work, and we also discussed the “environmental viewpoint on labeling of food contact articles” as part of an international roundtable. In the year of our 70th anniversary, we were honored to have four former FEC Presidents as well as FIAC´s president Antonio Bertoli as our guests. Our excursion to Cenacolo with Leonardi da Vinci`s “Last Supper” and a delicious culinary program rounded off our successful event in “Bella Italia”. A big thank you to everybody involved!