Your voice of the European Industry!

Beginning of June, FEC carried out 3 webinars (in English, German and Italian) to support our member companies and national member associations with the submission of the response to ECHA´s consultation on the PFAS restriction proposal.
More than 40 participants followed our invitation to the webinars, and those who couldn’t attend one of the live sessions had the opportunity to watch the replay in their preferred language. Many thanks to everyone involved!
Our aim is to encourage companies to give their individual response on top of FEC´s contribution, which was submitted to ECHA´s Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) on June 19. Supported by many individual company responses FEC can align with other important trade associations to ensure that our key messages are conveyed or echoed by multiple stakeholders.
We´ll keep you updated!

🖥️ Hosts of the English Webinar: Abde Arbaoui, Tobias Gerfin, Kathryn (Kate) Sullivan
🖥️ Hosts of the German Webinar: Gernot Strehl, Tobis Gerfin, Inga Buschauer
🖥️ Hosts of the Italian Webinar: Sandro Tarozzo and Dario Dainelli
